Our Valley Our Future / Nuestro Valle Nuestro Futuro
Collaborating with our communities to develop a shared long-range vision and a strategic action plan to achieve it.

A Conversation About the Future of the
Lake Chelan Valley
One Valley, One Community
Regional Housing Survey findings released
Our Valley Our Future has released a report containing the findings of its 2022 Regional Housing Survey. The survey was completed by more than 1,500 residents in late May and early June. Please click here for the report.
The 29-question survey was crafted to gain greater insight into residents’ perceptions of housing market issues and their comfort level with potential solutions. The information derived from this survey will provide decision-makers, community leaders and the overall community with another lens through which to view the issue and to collaborate.
The survey, along with a June 1 Regional Housing Summit, are steps in OVOF’s ‘Regional Housing Approach’ initiative to advance solutions that meet the demand for more diverse, affordable and available housing in the region. The initiative’s lead and supporting partners include: Chelan-Douglas Housing Solutions Group, Chelan County, Wenatchee Valley Chamber of Commerce, Housing Authority of Chelan County and the City of Wenatchee, City of Leavenworth, City of Wenatchee, City of East Wenatchee, Chelan-Douglas Community Action Council, Common Ground Housing Trust, Upper Valley MEND, and the Chelan Valley Housing Trust.

Community Action Plan
A community-created Action Plant developed from input from thousands of residents.

Mission & Values
We are an independent, nonpartisan, community-based organization

Stay up to date on our latest projects & outreach
Different communities, groups and interests coming together around a common vision.
In addition to helping residents craft the community Action Plan, Our Valley Our Future convenes and facilitates meetings when needed, gathers data to assist lead partners, community leaders and residents in decision-making, and communicates successes.
“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.”
-Margaret J. Wheatley

Latest Reports & Findings
Community Outreach Report, 2022
This report captures the key findings from Our Valley Our Future’s outreach work in 2021. Input was received from 2,040 community members through interviews, two public surveys, 19 focus groups, and two panel discussions.
"Our Path Forward: Regional Thinking, Inclusion and Collaboration" Report, 2020
This report takes a look at past collaborative efforts, explains why the ‘regional thinking, inclusion and collaboration” approach matters more than ever today, and sets the stage for new opportunities to be explored and implemented. The report was researched and written by Our Valley Our Future’s One Community Working Group.
OVOF COVID-19 Pandemic Impact Survey, 2020 (English)
Here are the results of a survey conducted by Our Valley Our Future in May 2020 to measure the early impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on the economic and social well-being of residents. More than 600 residents, including 27 percent who self-identified as Latino, completed the survey.
OVOF COVID-19 Pandemic Impact Survey, 2020 (Spanish)
Here are the results in Spanish of a survey conducted by Our Valley Our Future in May 2020 to measure the early impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on the economic and social well-being of residents. More than 600 residents, including 27 percent who self-identified as Latino, completed the survey.